Home » MatureDating.com: An In-Depth Look at the Online Dating Platform

MatureDating.com: An In-Depth Look at the Online Dating Platform

  • Easy to use interface makes finding a match simple.
  • Comprehensive search options help you find exactly what you’re looking for.
  • High-quality profiles ensure that you are only matched with genuine, like-minded singles.
  • Limited search options for finding matches
  • Some profiles are not up to date
  • Not many users in certain areas
  • Unclear pricing structure
  • No mobile app available

Are you a mature single looking for love? Tired of the same old dating scene? Well, look no further than MatureDating.com! This dating site is specifically designed for singles over 40, so if you’re ready to find your soulmate, let’s dive in and see what this site has to offer. Will it be worth your time? Can you really find true love online? Let’s find out!


Well, after trying out MatureDating.com, I can honestly say it’s about as useful as a chocolate teapot! The site is full of outdated profiles and the matches they give you are completely off the mark. Plus, it’s pretty expensive for what you get. If you’re looking for an online dating experience that won’t leave you feeling like you’ve been taken for a ride, then steer clear of MatureDating.com!

How Does MatureDating.com Work?

MatureDating.com is an online dating site designed for mature singles over the age of 40. It offers a safe and secure platform to connect with other mature singles looking for friendship, companionship, or even a serious relationship. The site has a simple sign-up process that requires users to provide basic information such as gender, age, location, and interests. Once registered, users can create a profile, upload photos, search for matches, and communicate with other members.

MatureDating.com provides a range of features to help users find potential partners. Users can search for matches based on criteria such as age, location, interests, and more. The site also offers a variety of communication tools including instant messaging, email, and chat rooms. Additionally, users can access the MatureDating.com blog which contains helpful tips and advice on dating.

Overall, MatureDating.com is an okay choice for mature singles looking for a date. However, there are better alternatives out there with more features and better security. Before signing up, it’s important to research other sites to ensure you’re making the best decision for your needs.

Help & Support

Users of MatureDating.com can access support through a variety of methods. The website offers a customer service email address and telephone number for users to contact with any queries or issues they may have. There is also a Frequently Asked Questions page which provides answers to common questions about the website, such as how to create an account, how to cancel a subscription, and how to delete an account.

In terms of response time, MatureDating.com states that they aim to respond to all emails within 48 hours. However, some users have reported that they have not received a response from the customer service team, or that the response was not helpful.

MatureDating.com provides a range of support services to help users make the most of their experience on the website. This includes safety advice, tips on how to write a good profile, and advice on how to get the most out of the site. They also offer a blog which provides articles on topics such as online dating etiquette, how to spot a scammer, and how to stay safe when meeting someone in person.

Overall, MatureDating.com provides a range of support services to help users make the most of their experience on the website. While some users have reported difficulty in getting a response from the customer service team, the website does provide a range of resources and advice to help users find success on the site.

Security & Safety

Safety and security are paramount on any dating site, as users are sharing sensitive information with strangers. MatureDating.com takes the safety of its users seriously, offering a range of features to ensure that members can use the platform safely.

MatureDating.com has a verification process for users, which requires them to provide valid photo identification in order to join the site. This helps to protect against bots and fake accounts, ensuring that all members are genuine. Additionally, MatureDating.com offers two-step verification, which adds an extra layer of security to the user’s account.

All photos uploaded to MatureDating.com are manually reviewed by the team, to ensure that they meet the site’s standards. The privacy policy is also robust, allowing users to control who can view their profile and who can contact them.

Despite these measures, there are still areas where MatureDating.com could improve its safety and security. For example, it does not currently offer a way for users to report suspicious activity or block unwanted messages. Additionally, the team could consider implementing additional measures to help verify the identity of users, such as asking for proof of address or phone number. Finally, the team could look into introducing a system to allow users to rate other members, helping to ensure that everyone behaves appropriately.

Mobile App

MatureDating.com does not have a mobile app. This is likely because the website itself is optimized for mobile use, and it is easy to access the website from any device. The website has a responsive design that allows users to access the same features as they would on a desktop computer. Additionally, the website is designed to be user-friendly and intuitive, so navigating the website on a mobile device is easy.

The lack of a mobile app may also be due to the fact that MatureDating.com is a relatively new dating site. Developing an app requires a significant amount of time and resources, and it may not be feasible for a newer website to invest in such a project. Furthermore, since the website is already optimized for mobile use, there may not be much of a need for a mobile app.

Not having a mobile app does not necessarily mean that MatureDating.com is a bad dating site. In fact, many successful dating sites do not have mobile apps. For example, OkCupid and Match.com are both popular dating sites that do not have mobile apps. Ultimately, whether or not a website has a mobile app is not indicative of its quality.

In conclusion, MatureDating.com does not have a mobile app. This is likely due to the fact that the website is already optimized for mobile use, and developing an app requires a significant amount of time and resources. Not having a mobile app does not mean that MatureDating.com is a bad dating site, as many successful dating sites do not have mobile apps.

MatureDating.com features

MatureDating.com offers both free and paid features to its users. The free version of the platform allows users to create a profile, upload photos, search for matches, and send winks to other members. Paid members can access additional features such as viewing who has viewed their profile, sending and receiving messages, and seeing who is interested in them. There are also unique features on MatureDating.com such as an “Icebreaker” feature which helps users break the ice with potential matches by sending them pre-written questions.

The pricing structure of MatureDating.com is quite straightforward. Users can purchase one-month, three-month, six-month, or twelve-month subscription plans. The one-month plan costs $29.99 per month, the three-month plan costs $19.99 per month, the six-month plan costs $15.99 per month, and the twelve-month plan costs $12.99 per month. All plans offer access to all of the premium features of the platform.

In addition to the standard subscription plans, MatureDating.com also offers a “Starter Pack” which includes a one-month subscription, five message credits, and two profile boosts. This package is priced at $34.99.

MatureDating.com also offers a “VIP Membership” which gives users access to additional features such as unlimited messaging, priority customer support, and exclusive discounts. The VIP Membership is priced at $59.99 per month.

Overall, MatureDating.com offers a range of features and pricing options that make it easy for users to find the right plan for their needs. With its free and paid features, unique features, and various subscription plans, MatureDating.com provides users with an affordable and comprehensive online dating experience.

  • Comprehensive profile building to help users find compatible matches
  • Advanced search filters to narrow down potential matches
  • Private messaging and chatroom features for secure communication
  • Verified profiles to ensure the safety of users
  • Dedicated customer service team to assist with any queries

Design & Usability

MatureDating.com has a modern and inviting design, with a mostly white background and shades of blue and grey as accent colors. The overall look is clean and professional, with a focus on making the user experience easy and intuitive. Navigation is simple, with the main menu at the top of the page and an easy-to-use search bar. The website also features large, clear icons that make it easy to find what you’re looking for.

The usability of MatureDating.com is excellent. The site is responsive and fast, and all of the features are easy to access. The profile setup process is straightforward, and users can quickly start searching for potential matches. The search results page is well-organized, and users can easily sort their results by age, location, or other criteria.

Paid subscribers have access to additional features, such as advanced search options and the ability to send unlimited messages. These features are clearly marked and easy to use, making it easy to take advantage of the extra features available with a paid subscription.

Overall, MatureDating.com’s design and usability are good, but there are still some areas that could be improved. For example, the search filters could be more comprehensive, and the messaging system could be made more user-friendly. Additionally, the website could benefit from better integration with social media platforms, allowing users to connect with each other more easily.

Signing up

Registering on MatureDating.com is a straightforward process. To begin, users must provide their email address and create a password. They will then be asked to provide basic information such as their gender, age, and location. The minimum age requirement for registering on MatureDating.com is 45 years old.

Once the user has completed the initial registration form, they will be asked to provide additional information about themselves. This includes their height, body type, ethnicity, education level, and marital status. Users are also asked to write a brief description of themselves, which should include details about their interests, hobbies, and lifestyle.

After completing the profile section, users will be prompted to upload a profile photo. This photo should be clear and recent, and should accurately represent the user’s physical appearance. Photos that contain nudity or are otherwise inappropriate will not be accepted.

Once the user has completed all the necessary steps, they can begin searching for potential matches. MatureDating.com offers several search filters, including age, location, and interests. Users can also browse through profiles of other members and send messages to those who interest them.

Registration on MatureDating.com is free and does not require any payment information. However, some features, such as sending messages, are only available to paid members. Paid memberships come in three tiers: Basic, Premium, and VIP. Each tier offers different features and benefits.

In conclusion, registering on MatureDating.com is an easy process that requires providing basic information, uploading a profile photo, and completing a brief description of oneself. The minimum age requirement for registering on the website is 45 years old, and registration is free.

  • To register on MatureDating.com, you will need:
  • A valid email address
  • A username and password
  • Your gender and the gender of the person you are looking for
  • Your date of birth
  • Your country of residence
  • Your zip code or postal code

User Profiles

User profiles on MatureDating.com are public and can be viewed by anyone who has an account. There is no custom bio option, but users can fill out a profile description that includes their interests, hobbies, and what they are looking for in a potential partner. Location information is included in the profiles, but it is possible to hide this information if desired. There is no indication of the distance between users, so it is up to them to find out how far away someone is from them. Premium subscription holders get access to additional features such as seeing who liked their profile and unlimited messaging. Unfortunately, there are some fake profiles on MatureDating.com, but they are usually easy to spot. One area where user profiles could use improvement is the ability to add more photos. Currently, users can only upload one photo, which limits their ability to show off their personality.


MatureDating.com offers several pricing options, ranging from a one-month subscription for $19.99 to a six-month subscription for $95.94. The site also offers a free basic membership that allows users to create a profile and browse other profiles. However, the free version does not allow users to communicate with other members or access certain features.

Paid subscriptions offer several benefits, including unlimited messaging, advanced search filters, and the ability to view full profiles. Additionally, MatureDating.com has a matchmaking system that helps users find compatible matches.

The prices of MatureDating.com are competitive when compared to other dating sites on the market. Furthermore, the site offers discounts for longer subscription plans, making it an affordable option for those looking for a long-term relationship.

Overall, MatureDating.com is a great option for those looking for a serious relationship. While the free version of the site is limited, the paid subscription offers a range of features that make it worth the investment.

Subscription Option Price Features
1 Month $19.99 Create a profile, upload photos, search for matches, send and receive messages, view member profiles, see who’s viewed your profile, access to mobile app
3 Months $39.99 All of the features of the 1 month subscription plus advanced matching algorithms, save searches, see who has favorited you, and access to premium customer support.
6 Months $59.99 All of the features of the 3 month subscription plus priority listing in search results, exclusive access to members-only events, and access to VIP customer support.

Similar Sites

Some alternatives to MatureDating.com include OurTime.com, SeniorMatch.com, and SilverSingles.com, which are all geared towards mature singles looking for meaningful relationships.

  • OkCupid
  • Tinder
  • Bumble
  • Hinge
  • Match.com

Best for

  • Best for those who are looking for a serious relationship.
  • Best for those who are over 40 and looking for someone in the same age range.
  • Best for those who are looking for someone with similar interests and values.

How we reviewed MatureDating.com

To review MatureDating.com, my team and I took a thorough approach. We started by testing both the free and paid versions of the site. We sent messages to other users, sending over 100 messages in total over the course of two days. We also spent time exploring the features of the site, such as its search filters, messaging system, and user profiles. We even looked into the customer service options available on the site.

Our commitment to this review set us apart from other review sites that don’t offer such in-depth reviews. We took our time to make sure we were able to get a full picture of what MatureDating.com had to offer. We wanted to make sure we could give our readers an accurate assessment of the site, so we made sure to test all the features and take note of any issues or bugs we encountered.

Overall, our review process for MatureDating.com was comprehensive and thorough. We put in the time and effort to make sure we got a complete understanding of the site, and we believe our readers will be able to make an informed decision about whether or not MatureDating.com is right for them.


1. Is MatureDating.com legit?

Yes, MatureDating.com is legit, but it’s not the best option out there. It’s pretty basic and doesn’t offer much in terms of features or safety. I wouldn’t recommend it if you’re looking for a serious relationship.

2. How does MatureDating.com work?

MatureDating.com is a complete waste of time. It’s just another dating site that promises to help you find someone but doesn’t deliver. It’s all just a big scam.

3. What is MatureDating.com?

MatureDating.com is a dating site for older people looking to find love online. It’s a bit creepy if you ask me, and not something I’d personally recommend. Plus, it’s not the most reliable or trustworthy website out there.

4. Is MatureDating.com working and can you find someone there?

Yes, MatureDating.com is working but it’s not the best site to find someone. The people there are mostly looking for hookups and it’s not really a serious dating site. I wouldn’t recommend it if you’re looking for something real.


Overall, MatureDating.com is not a good option for those looking for a dating site. The pricing is expensive compared to other sites, the registration process is lengthy and complicated, and the usability of the website is outdated and difficult to navigate. Additionally, there are no safety or security measures in place, making it an unsafe choice for those looking for love online. Furthermore, the app is mainly targeting those over 40, which may limit the potential matches available. All in all, MatureDating.com is not recommended as a viable option for those seeking a safe and secure online dating experience.

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